Occupational Health Assessment
Our occupational health service is designed to help employees improve their posture, reduce pain and discomfort, and enhance their productivity and well-being at work. As many as 20 employees can be scanned over a lunch hour each taking up only 6 minutes of their time.
We use 2D and 3D cutting-edge movement scanning technology which can be combined with a detailed workplace or workstation assessment to help identify asymmetries with movement, posture, balance and co-ordination that can develop over time.
Initial 3D scans are carried out in the workplace and only take 6 minutes to do. Each employee will receive a comprehensive report including an online 3D moveable avatar of themselves which will show the way they move as well as highlight any imbalances to their posture, balance and co-ordination. Importantly, the report will explain how any imbalances can be corrected including a personalised exercise programme to help achieve optimal alignment and movement and reduce any discomfort or pain they may be experiencing.
Working from home
For employees working from home, a 2D scan can be carried at home using a mobile phone combined with our unique software. This is not as detailed as a 3D scan but still provides an excellent level of information about movement, balance and co-ordination and a detailed report, recommendations and exercise plan are included.
For further information, contact our admin team on 0131 218 300 or use the contact form.