The Physiotherapy Clinics and Peebles Physiotherapy are now offering a special group discount to local businesses and sports teams in Edinburgh and the Scottish Borders. The new incentive will include FREE drop-in clinics and workshops geared to the business or sports teams.
For example, lower back and neck pain are commonly found in the work place. As a result and for the past seven years, we have been providing workshops at the Scottish Government offices to help reduce the high incidence of ergonomic back and neck pain. This has proved very popular and has significantly reduced both back and neck pain amongst the Scottish Government staff .
Sports teams are benefitting from sending their players to one of our Sports Injury Clinics where they receive specialist assessment and treatment. Coaches and Athletes realise that the assessment and treatment of sports injuries is a highly specialised area of Physiotherapy and the importance to seek out this specialist help to ensure they receive expert advice. Both the Coach and player require prompt and effective treatment as well as training advice to ensure a fast yet safe return to full training with reduced risk of re-occurrence of the injury.

Our sports injury prevention workshops carried out at either the sports club or at one of our Sports Injury Clinics have also been really popular. There is evidence that by educating players on the correct way to warm up, stretch and perform safe lifting techniques in the gym will significantly reduce the incidence of training and match injuries. For example, when employing good warm up and training techniques you should hardly ever see hamstring injuries.
We have highly skilled Physiotherapists who specialise in either back and neck pain or sports injuries who are available at all our clinics. Arrangements can be made for them to visit your club as well.
If you are interested in either of these incentives please call 07738 304238 or email