Elaine Miller

Women's Health Physiotherapist
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Hi, my name is Elaine. I am a Fellow of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapists, a pelvic floor geek and women’s health obsessive and campaigner .

Most women don’t know the basics about their own anatomy and what they can reasonably expect from their genitals during the course of their lifetime. I’d like to change that and take away the taboo that surrounds the subject.

My research area is using humour as a health promotion tool. I won an international comedy award for my stand up show about pelvic floors and have presented on women’s health at Holyrood, Westminster and the House of Lords.

Pelvic floor problems are linked with teenagers dropping out of sport, 50% of women over 50 have vaginal prolapse, and many older women move into residential care because of continence problems – if we want women to live active lives we have to stop our bits from getting in the way.

Over 80% of stress incontinence is cured within 6 sessions of pelvic health physiotherapy. You are never too old, too young or too busy to get it sorted, so start now and get in contact.

Please book to see me if you leak pee, poo or gas when you laugh, cough or sneeze; are fed up with sexual pain; have pregnancy-related pelvic pain, have a birth injury or post-natal tummy gap; are recovering from surgery, illness or assault; would like a whole night’s sleep without getting up to go to the loo; would like to unlock your front door without needing a pee or would like to try Park-run without a pad.

I look forward to helping you on your journey back to a normal active life minus all the girly problems!

Outside of the clinic I enjoy writing, being cheeked by my teenagers, and staying continent myself.

More About Phil...

What is your favourite food?
Anything my wife cooks -it’s always good!
Anything from Queen but “who wants to live forever” maybe just pips it
You can be whoever you want to be. Just be honest and kind, and be the kind of person who helps others see their worth and beauty